Crossie #3

-Prepared By
Tony Sebastian

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1 Coconut from a state in the south, without the French, in a container, is a vital component of your hair. (7)

5 Tata Developmental Engineer took the gal for a ____ __ the restraunt. (4,2)

9 A punctuation causes prolonged unconsciousness, we hear. (5)

10 Mumbai cine team spread out in a cutlet? (9)

11 Master Magician has a speech disorder. (7)

12 Marketplace in (which) one gets a drink. (7)

13 Its very warm in the Spanish restaurant. (5)

14 A mere help that turns out to be short-lived. (9)

16 You might need these to stand erect. (9)

19 Prices for ultra tests? (5)

21 Bowled!! The actors went ahead to be stuck in a palace. (7)

23 Places of worship on our foreheads? (7)

24 Are you in the edition of “education meaning”? (9)

25 The salary hike received 83.33% commendation. (5)

26 He trod troubled on a highly heated object. What Manchester United are right now, perhaps. (3-3)

27 Forever Ren confused stands in the middle and others around him. (7)


1 How sick, Keket Butch dies. May be he plays football in the bathroom. (5,3,6)

2 Mythological hero with violent trouser? (7)

3 Ram melt fishing net. (7)

4 Are mean teen interested in ribbon worm. (9)

5 Refine mined material, its in the jeans! (5)

6 Ore crushed inside them gives a proposition deducible from basic postulates. (7)

7 An artist’s workroom gobbled a person who reclines. (7)

8Lets S.Stalin see a tough materal. (9,5)

15 Indecision about ice in Athens. (9)

17 Price you and me give for a dress. (7)

18 Taureans are suited for the stock market because they are _______. (7)

19 Again code in dots and dashes causes deep regret. (7)

20 A blessed-in-height staying place in the capital of Estonia. (7)

22 Races in Tokyo have 500 separation. (5)